The scriptures teach that we are to be good stewards with what we have been given. Inasmuch, we teach biblical stewardship at our church, where a tithe is 10% of an income and should be given to the church (Mal. 3:10). We also teach that offerings are those gifts above and beyond a tithe.
We desire all to be able to give; therefore, in addition to giving in person or mailing a check, we have instituted online giving through EasyTithe. If you click on the button below, you will be directed to giving portal for our church. Once there, you can create an account for future gifts or you can fill in the required information and make a one time gift. There is an option to give an extra 2.5% to help cover the transaction fees associated with this service. However, this is not a requirement.
There is also an Easy Tithe app that can be downloaded through the Google Play Store or App Store. You will be prompted to type in our church's name and zip code. Then, it will prompt you to login; if you do not have an account setup, you will be unable to use the app to give. We thank you for any blessing you may give us to help us minister to our church and our community through your faithful support. As mentioned several other places on our website, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and let us help address those concerns.