Our Pastor
Justin Carp has been the pastor at Darlington since July 2, 2017. Justin grew up in central Florida where he was saved at 8 years old while attending VBS at Bethany Baptist Church. Justin served in the Navy for a little over 7 years where he met his wife Lisa. While stationed in Pascagoula, MS, he surrendered to the call of vocational ministry. After separating from the service, he started pursuing his education to answer God's call and provided for his family via employment with CSX Transportation. He currently works full-time for CSX as a signalman and serves our church full-time as pastor, making him bi-vocational.
Justin and Lisa were married September 2, 2004 and have two children: Analeigh and Liam. He completed his undergrad from Liberty University in July, 2013. He was ordained in February 2017 at Red Oak Baptist Church and completed his Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in December, 2019. He continues to pursue knowledge through experiences and education. He has a passion for evangelism, discipleship and growing the body of Christ.
Justin believes in using sound hermeneutics to literally interpret the Bible while using exposition as his preaching style. This verse by verse style of preaching and teaching helps to proclaim the word of God in a literal, yet practical manner, helping the individual more easily grasp the principles contained in God's word. He is also a strong proponent for studying the Bible. He has provided references of some free resources for people to use located in our Bible Study Helps page on our site. Justin also strongly believes in using technology to help further reach people with the Gospel message of Christ. His vision is for all of our community and those surrounding to have access to sound biblical preaching, teaching and worship.